Bed Room Furniture Furniture Design

Finalize Your Room Design with Wall paneling from Bellavista Collection

Finalize Your Room Design with Wall paneling from Bellavista Collection

Even if your profession has nothing to do with interior design, you surely realize that the overall look of your house is something greater than just the sum of the parts it consists of, such as furniture, lighting fixtures, floors, walls, etc.

You may buy gorgeous Italian luxury furniture for your room, but if your walls are covered with, say, old wallpaper or paint, the end result most likely won’t satisfy you. Furnishing a room is not all about furniture, you know.

Bellavista Collection has always been aware of it. The brand provides its customers with everything they may need when restyling their homes: an assortment of lamps, mirrors, decorative items, and luxurious boiserie.

Wainscoting from Bellavista Collection: Stylish and Functional

To take a look at the wall paneling from this brand, visit its website’s homepage and pick PRODUCTS from the main menu. This section serves as an online catalog. When you open it, you’ll find the product categories with self-explanatory names. One of them (actually, the very first one you see there) is BOISERIE.

Currently, there are only five items in this product category. It might seem quite a few, but when you take a closer look at them, you’ll realize how diverse they look. It means that you are pretty likely to find the variant that will suit you to a tee. However, these five pieces have pretty much in common.

To begin with, each of them combines excellent design with practicability. Created by Attilio Zanni, a brilliant designer, and Bellavista’s co-founder, all this boiserie looks stylish and elegant. But that isn’t all. These wall panels will help you a lot when you’ll be furnishing your home.

Being easy to assemble, boiserie from the Bellavista brand allows you to quickly cover your walls. These panels come in handy when you mount a TV onto the wall, enabling you to hide all these messy telecom cables. Besides, if you want to install, say, a number of small lightweights LED lamps, you needn’t drill walls: just fix the lighting fixtures to these wall panels – they are strong enough. What is more, boiserie may serve as kind of an additional layer of wall insulation, which may matter if you live in a country where it’s cold in winter.

Bellavista Collection is made of natural materials, so they won’t pollute the indoor air with so-called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like many plastics do. This brand’s boiserie is eco-friendly and safe.

What is more, wall panels from Bellavista Collection are highly customizable. To ensure that the particular boiserie will fit into your room, you’ll have to provide certain dimensions of your room when ordering – namely, height (floor to ceiling) and width (side to side).

The brand’s technical department will work out the drawing: only after you approve it, the process of production will start. If necessary, Bellavista’s specialists will modify the design, so that it fully meets your needs. Remember that in many cases, the size of the panels can be changed upon request; optional skirting and crown molding are also available for some of the models.

Ordering boiserie from Bellavista is a pretty serious matter: it will serve you for a very long time. Actually, the same could be said about any item produced by this brand.

Extremely Dissimilar, Yet Equally Attractive

Let’s take a quick look at these five lovely kinds of boiserie.

The pattern, composed of metal details (cast brass with antique bronze finish) placed over a prime-quality fabric padding, makes ERACLE boiserie look really special. The pattern itself looks really grand: there definitely is something Oriental in it.

Square or rectangular panels of FENICE could be covered in either fabric or leather. Both look great together with Moka stained oak details, which form a grid-like structure between the panels.

BRIGITTA’s pattern is composed of circular elements, arranged in rows. These details, made of moka-stained oak, could be padded in either fabric or leather.

BAROCCO panels, fully upholstered in fabric, also could be rectangular or square. This boiserie seems pretty classic-looking, yet it easily fits into modern interiors.

And so is ST. REGIS, made of wood, veneered with grey sukupira – this wood species with a really beautiful texture is among Bellavista’s favorites when it comes to veneering options. Wooden wainscoting is among interior design solutions, which never go out of vogue. Sophistication and timeless elegance has long made ST. REGIS a bestseller.

 Custom Boiserie Shown at the Salone del Mobile 2022 

At this year’s edition of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, which took place in June, Bellavista’s exhibitor booth resembled a luxuriously furnished apartment. Well, it’s no surprise: this brand adopted such a clever approach to displaying showpieces a decade ago. This time the exhibitor area was divided into the following zones: a living room, a bedroom, a conversation space, a dining room, and (this year’s novelty) a walk-in closet with lots of bespoke accessories.

What was special about the bedroom zone is that it included a bespoke wall-to-wall boiserie, which perfectly harmonized with the custom-made headboard of the VENICE bed. The central part of the headboard was crafted out of solid American walnut with fabric inserts.

Two stylish AGATA sconces hung on the wall on both sides of the headboard, adding harmony to the ensemble.

By the way, AGATA was designed in 2019 but still remains very popular. The same could be said about the VENICE bed.

Other pieces, united into that lovely bedroom set, included a FRIDA bench, upholstered in fabric, the free-standing wardrobe named HAMILTON, and a MIAMI nightstand.

The wall-to-wall boiserie served as the element that united the pieces into an inseparable whole, finalizing the overall look of the bedroom zone.

In fact, interior designers often use smartly picked wall paneling for this purpose. Thanks to boiserie, separate furniture pieces successfully get tied together, creating an ensemble. Remember about it when planning to restyle your home. Whatever boiserie from Bellavista Collection you choose, it will make your room look and feel luxurious indeed.