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5 Advantages of Vankool Air Cooler that You Must Know

5 Advantages of Vankool Air Cooler that You Must Know

For those of you who can’t stand the heat, of course, you need a product that can cool the water, right? Air conditioning and fans are usually an option to get more comfortable air conditions. But, besides these two products, do you know if you can rely on a Vankool water cooler?

Not only that, this product also has many advantages that you must know. Curious? Follow the full review below.

1. Produces water ions for better air quality

The first use of a Vankool water cooler that you must know is its ability to produce water ions. With its water ion, this product can clean the water from germs and bacteria. That way, the water in your room can be cooler and healthier. Because having clean air is everyone’s desire, and that is what this one product is trying to bring.

2. Broadcast gust range

When compared to air conditioners, the gust of the air cooler is indeed more limited. However, this is not the case with Vankool’s water cooler. Equipped with a wide swing angle, the Vankool air cooler has a wider gust range with a wide swing fan.

So, you don’t need to worry too much about the coolness range of this water cooler from Vankool.

There are still three other uses of the Vankool air cooler.

3. Can set to use in a certain time

By using an air cooler, the water in your room can be cooler. However, did you know that the use of an air cooler shouldn’t be too long? It is triggered by the ability of the air cooler that will make the water in the room become humid. Humidity can also trigger the number of germs present in the room.

But you don’t need to worry too much, the Vankool air cooler is equipped with a timer controller feature. With this feature, you can adjust the operating time of the Vankool air cooler with several choices of duration, ranging from 1, 2, up to 3 hours. The choice of active time of the water cooler is also as recommended, which is around 3-4 hours.

By using a timer controller, you can use the air cooler as needed. In addition, this feature also helps to avoid the use of water coolers that can adversely affect your health. Useful enough, right?

Two more to finish. Check the following points for more useful information!

4. More electricity efficient than rival products

At present AC is still a mainstay product producing fresh air. However, not a few people who feel burdened with electricity bills are quite expensive. Well, therefore, many people are now starting to glance at the water cooler as an alternative.

Water cooler only requires electricity around 60-100 watts. This amount is considerably lower when compared to an Ac has required more than 300 watts of electricity. This is because the air cooler does not use a compressor that can suck up large enough electric power.

Therefore, if you are interested in finding alternative air-efficient air conditions, the Vankool air cooler is the right answer.

5. Maintenance is quite easy

For you who don’t like to bother, the use of Vankool water cooler is sure to be tempting. Vankool water cooler is very easy to maintain and you can clean it yourself. That means, you don’t need to spend extra money just to clean it. Just a clean the dust that sticks to the water cooler and replaces the water contained in the box. So, obviously the Vankool water cooler is more cost-effective for maintenance, right?

If you are looking for Air Cooler with affordable quality and affordable prices, you can try Vankool VAB05-ACDC Air Cooler.

Vankool VAB05-ACDC Air Cooler became the first Vankool solar air cooler to the market for the air conditioner category. This air cooler is an air conditioner that has the lowest price compared to other variants therefore, the Vankool VAB05-ACDC Air Cooler is a concern for many people to buy an affordable air conditioner product. But, the given water capacity for the air cooler variant is only given a water storage capacity of 4.5 liters. This is reasonable at the price given. However, with that capacity, it can last for quite a long time, because the workings of this water cooler is to only rotate the water, so that the reduced water needs a long time to be able to use it.

In addition, the water used can use cold water so that the air produced will feel colder. In addition, another advantage that makes this water cooler so attractive is the use of power. By using only 65 Watts of power, of course this can save your electricity expenditure. You have seen the comparison between the air cooler and the air conditioner in my writing above. So, you can still feel the cooler like ac but with power that is so economical.